Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Maximilien Robespierre

READ Strayer, p. 504-507.
LOOK UP Maximilien Robespierre, write a brief blog post that explains why Robespierre is important and how he is representational of the conduct of the French Revolution of 1789.

Maximilien Robespierre is known for being one of the most influential figures in the French Revolution. He was the "leader" of the Terror of 1793-1794 where enemies of the revolution were executed on the guillotine. Robespierre's philosophy was that a man's life has to be sacrificed to save the Revolution. The man he had in mind was King Louis XIV. He argued that the King betrayed the people when he tried to flee the country previously and that he posed a danger to the State as he was unifying enemies of the Republic. On July 27. 1793, the Convention elected Robespierre for the Committee of General Security.

Robespierre subconsciously gave the men of France an idea of what the Revolution is doing to its citizens because he was the main person that was in "control" during the Terror of 1793-1794. Robespierre was influential to a numerous amount of people, but his ideas were disagreed by The People. Eventually, the population of France started to have the same beliefs as him and that was one of the major turning points of the Revolution. The people of France eventually executed him on the guillotine in July 28, 1794 at Place de la Révolution in fear that he was starting a dictatorship instead of a Republic. Analysts now agree that he was becoming a threat to the people of France and the French Revolution.

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