Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tennis Court Oath

Look up the TENNIS COURT OATH using the library databases (off-campus passwords are available from the librarians). What seem to be the grievances of the Third Estate? Pick one or two of the apparent complaints and ANALYZE them in a BLOG POST, that seeks to explain the grievance type. Is it financial? Physical? Mental?

The Tennis Court Oath occurred on June 20, 1789 during the French Revolution. It was taken by the Third Estate, and was a result of previous grievances that were to be solved. The third estate represents peasants and the common class. The main grievance was about a lack of voice in the States-General meeting. During these meetings, King Louis XVI made sure that a vast majority of the say was in the hands of the first and second estates, which both had higher class people than the third estate.

The name "Tennis Court Oath" was because after the people of the third estate were locked out of their regular meeting place (most likely intentionally), they held their meeting in a tennis court nearby. During the meeting they discussed grievances that they had. They noticed that even while having such a high percentage of the population, they had such an insignificant say in the decisions made. There were also financial grievances regarding the taxes that each estate payed. They had to pay a much higher percentage of their income because they payed an equal amount in taxes as the second estate, which was much wealthier. The grievances they discussed had to do with the difficulty they had compared to other estates.

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