Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tennis Court Oath

What seem to be the grievances of the Third Estate? Pick one or two of the apparent complaints and ANALYZE them in a BLOG POST, that seeks to explain the grievance type. Is it financial? Physical? Mental?

The Tennis Court Oath was like a pep rally which rallied the Third Estate to think about their rights and state their rights to the King which united them. What the Third Estate complained about is as followed:

Some of the complaints of the third estates were that the lowly peasants were forced even when they did not have money or were flat broke had to pay outrageous and disproportionate taxes that made them all in dept to the king, So they had to do forced work without pay to pay their taxes. Which made them want to revolt against the King. This was called Corvee, forced work. This could also play into The Physical and Mental Aspect because the induced labor would have affected their bodies and mind. The long and hard days would be straining and unbearable and it would day by day internally and externally destroy their bodies. Which after time they wold probably say enough is enough and they rebelled whhich resulted in many casualties.

Another grievance is the Bourgeoisie the middle class( merchants and scientists). During the rebellion in the national assembly, they believed in Enlightenment ideas of equality and social justice called for reform in the tax system. Their grievances grievances were they wanted what the other estates had (ie their rights).

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