Thursday, October 15, 2009

Voltaire's Opinions on Current Issues

I believe that one current, controversial topic Voltaire would be very interested in would be stem-cell research. I am not positive what his view on this would be, but I think that he would have been for it.

Voltaire was always very interested in science and believed firmly in experimenting and questioning everything. He was also very cynical and critical of religion. I don't know what his personal moral codes governing the value of life were, but based off of his scientific zeal and dislike of religion I think he would have loved to see where stem-cell research may take us. Voltaire typically loved to do anything that might cause trouble or be provocative, and if he could do this while making huge scientific advances I think he might have been ecstatic. He was also very opposed to religious persecution, and I think he would have advocated the limits in religion's control over our lives. The Church was frequently upset with him and his radical ideas and uncensored essays, and I think that he would have no problems offending religious leaders again.

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