Monday, October 5, 2009

The Palace of Versailles

Social: Inside the walls of the Palace of Versailles, there was a social hierarchy, and people of different social status were required to follow different strict routines or etiquette. For example, the routine for getting up in the morning was different depending on your class. Louis XIV established these rules to keep his people in order, and they were soon imitated in other European countries.

Political: Louis XIV turned what was originally a hunter's lodge into a magnificent palace that still flourishes today. His main objective was to maintain power over France, and he did this by moving his palace away from the capital of France (Paris) in order to organize and control his nobles. This was a wise political move, because he made sure to keep his nobles close to him so they wouldn't break off and rebel against him. It really kept the power centered around him as a political icon.

Economical: Not only was the palace a symbol of enormous wealth and power in it's time, it remains a symbol today. The palace draws tourists, and therefore income, from all over the world, and never fails to amaze people at its beauty and intricate detail. Louis XIV had the same idea: in order to fund the building of the palace, he would turn it into a showcase of France. However much of the funding was provided by the king himself.

Cultural: The detail and intricacy of the rooms, walls and overall appearance of Versailles is a reflection of France's culture. It also shows how important it was to appear wealthy: everything about the palace of Versailles shows wealth. (for example, the furniture made of silver)

Scientific: Lastly, it took a lot of advanced technology to build the Palace of Versailles, and still requires technology and machines to restore the palace so it remains a place that tourists will come to France to see, and so it remains a prominent symbol of France.


  1. You are very clear in everything you say, and I like how you broke up the sections like that. The one thing that you might want to think about is adding more to your section about the scientific aspect, since you say that it took a lot of technology but don't specify anything.

  2. I really like how you made sure to cover each of the SPECS categories. I agree with Emily that you could add more to the scientific category, but I think you covered the rest fairly well. I think the cultural paragraph has some good analysis of how the palace affected culture. One comment is that the paragraphs are kind of separate from each other and don't really connect to each other, but it works alright.

  3. I think this post was well organized, but I would have liked to hear more about the political aspect of the Palace. You stated that moving the court to the palace was a political moved, but you didn't really explain how it helped. I think one of the main aspects is that he distracted the nobles from their work so he could take their power. It was very well organized though.
