Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Realistic Social Contract

A contract is a binding agreement between two or more persons or parties; especially : one legally enforceable.

I believe that the appropriate definition of a contract is that a contract is a tacit agreement between two or more people that is made with the intention to benefit all members of the agreement. It is essential that a contract be helpful for all of its members and that it be reasonable or else it will not be followed.

If I were to make a social contract it would be something like this:

1. Show respect to all of your peers; everyone deserves to be respected.
2. Be honest even when lying will save you the time.
3. Practice good hygiene, a society where no one washes their hands is not a society I want to be a part of.
4. Behave appropriately for all times.
5. Be sympathetic for others.

I believe that in our world, people cannot be expected to believe the social contract that i have suggested. I believe the way things really work is that human beings would attempt to follow a tacit contract of social behavior for most of their life, but when impulses factor in with the bad feelings that are inevitable; humans are less likely to follow any sort of social contract and just live by the rules that benefit them the most.

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