Friday, October 9, 2009

Social Contract

The term contract has many meanings, but in the context of social contract, and in my opinion, it means an agreement to do what you are supposed to do.

A social contract is what is expected of you by the rest of society. This changes for each society. In some countries somethings might be expected out of a person that other societies might consider offensive.

My Social Contract in my society

In my own social contract, I would have the following things:
-Good Character: I should be kind to other people no matter how they treat me. Also to be generous to others, and to be courteous toward them.
- Honesty: I feel that a lot of people have put their trust in me and it is my obligation to be honest toward them. Not only them, I should try to be honest to everyone, but it is most important to be honest to those who trust me, like my parents.
-Effort: I feel that it is my duty to do the best that I can at whatever it is I am doing, wether it is school, or sports, I should apply full effort.

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