Thursday, October 8, 2009

Social Contract

A contract is a Voluntary , deliberate, and legally enforceable (binding) agreement between two or more competent parties. That is the definition I found which had to do with Law. I also found that a contract was An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law

A Social Contract would be like relationships with other people whether they be good relationships or not. For example a social contract would be an agreement between a community and its ruler that defines and limits the rights and duties of each. My social contracts would be

1. A sense of obligation to my family
2. A feeling of respect for all who deserve it
3. Being honest to all who have respect for me, or who care for me
4. Doing my best for all the people who do their best for me
5. Don't make a fool of yourself for no reason if just for pure attention and nothing else
6. Not being selfish
7. Being Selfless

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