Thursday, October 8, 2009

Social Contracts

The essence of the word contract, as I understand it, is an agreement that binds two independent bodies together for a single purpose. We all live by social contracts that are mainly unspoken agreements between people. These unseen contracts govern how we live our everyday lives and how we interact with each other. Here are some ideas that I believe to be so called "social contracts." 

-Not talking about uncomfortable topics, like death or racism
-Everyone must have a social status that they adhere to(this is also following the "status quo")
-Wear clothing
-Separation between professional and personal life
-Supporting someone when they are in pain or are suffering
-Complete the routine society supplies for your age (eg. going to school/work)
-Obey the law
-Loyalty to family
-Having a hierarchy of loyalties
-Not admitting to being selfish, appearing selfless
-Being well-rounded
-Not saying that  you are better than others

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