Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Atomic bombs.... for the win?

As Bryant Gumbel from NBC News said, "Americans in 1995 are divided on the issue, but back in 1945 they were unified in their desire to win the war at any price." I think this is exactly why this piece was aired when it was. Back in 1945, the war had been going on for six years, and the people would do anything to put an end to it. Everyone in America had been affected by the war and by the ways Japan had hurt their country, so airing a piece that I think is aiming towards sympathy for the Japanese probably wouldn't have gone down so well. Frankly, had the Americans even known about the violence the war had ended with, I don't think it would have changed much about how victorious they felt about winning. I think most people would just say "War is war, and you do what have to do to win it." However, 50 years later, people who did not experience the war can have un-biased opinions about how far we take our acts of violence and aggression.

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