Friday, April 30, 2010

Oh those Wars of mine

The Cold war was completely meaningless, the whole thing was just back and forth banter that really had no purpose it was really just a propaganda war. It was with one side verbally abusing the other and then the other verbally abusing them right and so on. The war does not even compare to international disputes between other countries like the ever lasting one between Britain and France, they have always been trying to out do the other such when it comes to colonizing (Africa) and other things such as trading and expansion .

These two countries went to war with each other in the 13th century and 14th century, which was the hundred year war and that war was all about their rivalry and out doing the other, they were flexing their muscles and seeing who was superior between the two of them. So compared to that rivalry there is absolutely no comparison like I said before the cold war was just a war of meaningless propaganda and empty threats, where as the rivalry between Britain and France actually had meaning

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