Thursday, April 22, 2010

Damned If You Do

Though the United Nations may have good intentions, their charter will likely be an utter failure, promoting only the appearance of peace rather than the truth of it. First off, their laws are flawed; the articles are often vague and self-contradictory, leaving more than enough room for any country to go back on an agreement while staying within the bounds of their judgement system. For example, the second articles states that they should "settle their international disputes by peaceful means," but at the same time "take appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace." The only way to "strengthen peace" in the face of aggression is with equal or greater force. They also often promote equality of all kinds but give some countries more power on the Security Council than others. Kindly as they are, these rules are not restrictive of anything. Really, this group of self-proclaimed judges has no right to press their standards on other nations that have had no say, even if these standards are of the highest quality. From the creation of their laws can we see the failure already begin. For example, Article 23 of the Declaration of Human Rights states that all people have the right to equal pay, yet men are still paid more than women. From this instance and others we can see that there is no way for the UN to enforce their law other than by breaking their own pact of nonaggression or pledge to not interfere in the domestic affairs of any country. Really, this charter is only a spectator (of sorts) that encourages the nations of the world to act ethically and for the greater good rather than for self interest. Even this can cause some evil though; such a watcher only forces those with bad intentions to veil them even further so that none will suspect that they are not a true alliance. This follows the line of Hitler, who made nonaggression agreements with several countries before going back on them a few years later. The fact that he agreed to the treaties meant nothing to him and only succeeded in lulling his "allies" into a false sense of complacency. The same will be true of the United Nations. Countries will think that those involved are their supporters, while in truth it can be quite the opposite. In the end, this charter will cause countries to merely feign the appearance of friendship while hiding deceit.

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