Thursday, May 6, 2010


What makes a culture successful in my eyes is if the civilization does things independently and that they are able to manufactures it themselves. When the Europeans came to Africa their technology was far superior then that of the African people so they were seen culturally superior. Also something that plays in is the fact that the European people because of there placement in the world naturally had more resources so there industry was much more than that of the Africans who had minimal resources and did not have the supplies to produce their own things. "The (capitalist/communist) countries of the world were wrong to judge the (communist/capitalist) countries of the world based on outsider cultural knowledge. The only sound judgment comes from hard economic, political, or scientific facts." I do not agree with what it says at the end "The only sound judgment comes from hard economic, political, or scientific facts" that I do no think is true I believe that is an opinion and judgment can come from other things as well as those other things such as how wise someone is and their experience.

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