Monday, May 10, 2010

Is This Iran?

What about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made so many people protest about unfairness?
How does the government operate? To what extent does it suppress its people?
How do Iranians generally feel about the government?

Stalin's NKVD and the Gulag
Robespierre and the Reign of Terror
German fascism and the concentration camps
Bengali nationalists during the Bangladesh Liberation War

From all that I understand, it seems like the police shooting of protestors was not completely unnecessary and unjust but a vicious act against human rights in general. First, in a society that agrees to operate under a democracy, at the very least, people deserve the right to have a say in their leaders, free of the blatant fraud committed during last June's election. In addition, people were protesting, but the police immediately killed many in order to break up the protests. It seems like they are controlling people with nothing more than brute force and scaring the Iranian people into submission. As illustrated (no pun intended) by the cartoon, there are people who still fight for their rights but do so in secret. It seems like something has to change; people realizing that they are being cheated by their own government, peace can never be achieved.

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