Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Thesis Thailand: This is not an example of a successful revolution because it will probably not have long term effects.
Thesis Hungary: The Hungarian revolution was only successful depending on what time zone you look at. The success of the revolution fluctuates depending on the political, social, and economic states of the country.

The states of these two countries, as well as the basises for their respective revolutions are very similar. Both countries are unhappy with their governments, leading them to revolt. In Thailand, the monarchy is being questioned which led the country to political instability. Similarly in Hungary, the right wing nationalism has started to grow even though it is not represented in their government. Since the people of the Hungary are supporting something different than their government, they too have political instability. These shared political instabilities have caused economic failure in both countries. In Hungary, lies about the economy made by political leaders have led to major inflation and the general failure of the system. Economic growth in Thailand have also been halted because of protests in the center of the city. Finally, both theses have the commonality of neither of their revolutions sticking. In both countries, the revolutions seem to have immediate effects. but neither of them will stay long term.

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