Monday, May 10, 2010

Iranian Comic

A) What rights are Iranian citizen supposed to have? (Is freedom to peacefully assemble one of them?) What happens to the people that get arrested? What other events have the government successfully covered up? How does the government justify reacting so violently to a protest? Isn't the freedom square a bit ironic?

B) The obvious connection here is with the Hungarian Revolution. Although in this case another country is not openly controlling Iran, the country is facing bitterly harsh punishment for protesting for their rights. There is the same sense of the stronger power reacting with much more force than necessary, and crushing any opposition to avoid larger revolutions in the future.

C) My gut reaction is that something must be done to free Iran from this kind of dictatorship. But the question is, what? The US is already way too involved in other countries, but the people of Iran definitely cannot do this themselves. Their government is way too controlling and veiled for them to find a way to peacefully create a happy society. They aren't strong enough as an unorganized mob to fight the government, and that would probably only end in chaos anyway. I feel like this situation is becoming hopeless, but I keep wanting to find an answer.

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