Monday, May 17, 2010

From Thailand to Iran

The revolutions in Iran and Thailand have many similarities, perhaps because they are occurring in the same time period. First off, both are less made up of clandestine organized groups protesting against the standing government, but rather of normal civilians who take issue with corrupt rule. It might be because of this lack of organization that both revolutions have been unsuccessful - neither can make an actual stand against the government. In spite of this, Thailand has made it farther than Iran. In Iran people protested and were injured or incarcerated as a result. In Thailand, rallies and protests were held to the point that the government conceded to the demands of the people allowing for public election. Three days after this concession, however, a general who was allied with the protesters was shot in the head. So the Thai group might have made less progress than they would have previously thought. The two also have a similarity in the purpose of their protests; they rally for democracy and the removal of corruption from their system. Again, in this case, on group has a lead over the other in that the Iranians theoretically have democracy, but they don't believe that the results of their vote was carried out properly. The Thai on the other hand have several times won and lost democracy and cry for it still today.

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