Monday, October 5, 2009

Louis XIV

If you are on team SciRev, LOOK UP Louis XIV. Use the library databases and also think about checking out modern periodicals and newspapers – ole Louis gets referenced quite a bit. WRITE a post analyzing what you find using SPECS.

He ranks as one of the most remarkable monarchs in history. Was the leader of France for 72 years and in 54 of them, he controlled the French Government personally. 17th Century is labeled as the age of Louis XIV.
His leadership was the supreme example of a type of government called absolutism. Absolutism is a power that is unrestrained by institutions such as churches, legislatures, or social nobles. It is characterized by the ending of consolidation of power with the monarch, rise of the state power, unification of the state laws, and a decrease in the influence of nobility. There was a conflict with Louis and the Church because the maintenance of religious harmony had long been considered an area of monarchical power. Louis didn't want to allow Protestants to practice their faith in a France, which was largely Catholic. He believed in the motto, "one king, one law, one faith," and he felt the Protestants undermined his authority by wanting to practice something other than Catholicism.
His reign of France is where his country became the ideal culture since he cared greatly for the enhancement of France. He cared so much because he wanted to show it off to the world. France turned into a refined country and within 54 of his years in leadership, he was able to accomplish what several kings worked on for centuries. He was a great monarch also because he was confident of his right to be king.


  1. Your post is a little rough in spots, but you definitely get your point across. You do a good job of including all the main ideas like absolutism and the religious tensions of the time. I also like how you define your terms before elaborating on them.

  2. I agree with Emily about how you define "absolutism" well and talk about the religious tension with Protestants. You could have analyzed how this religious tension affected France and gone into more detail on how exactly King Louis XIV enhanced France.

  3. I think you did a good job explaining your point. You say he was one of the most memorable monarchs, and then you go and explain his legacy. I agree with James and Emily in that you did a good job of explaining terms like absolutism. In terms of organization, you did a great job.

  4. Like others have said before me you did a great job of defining key terms you used a prime example when you used Absolutism and said what exactly it was. Your organization was fantastic and there was a definite rhythm or flow to your writing which helped me personally really understand what you wrote about. You did a really good job on this overall.
