Sunday, November 15, 2009

Foreign Policy

The article that I read was about how the internet helps potential terrorists across the globe. It tells us that extremists can easily gain access to videos with “hardcore propaganda” and instructions for making explosives. The article brings up these dangers, but it also mentions the rights of free speech. Restricting the internet for these kinds of networks, despite their obvious threat, could be against their rights of free speech. If we take away their right of speech then we begin to fall down a slippery slope of government control. However, the ability to access terrorism is significantly increased by the internet. The article goes on to tell us about the frustrations of the internet and give a few examples of would-be terrorists using the internet. It tells us that propaganda videos are easily spread throughout the internet and start to infest the minds of people who would otherwise not have had such hardcore beliefs. The article is named “A Web of Lone Wolves,” referring to the fact that isolated extremists are much less dangerous than they can connect with others who think like themselves. This is an important thing to note because it shows us that modern technology both helps and hinders the general good. Technology itself is not something inherently good or bad, it really depends on who uses it in the best, most efficient way. In this case, extremists have found a smart way connect and convert people to their cause. I think one of the most significant points of this article was when it touched on freedom of speech. It didn’t say very much, but I think it was important. It tells us that “it will be a continuing challenge for Western governments and societies to draw the fine line between what is protected under the freedom of speech and what is criminalized as direct incitement to murder.” Governments should keep their people safe and protect their rights at the same time. In situations like this, it is hard to keep a balance between them.

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