Saturday, November 14, 2009

WRITE a blog post in which you first introduce and summarize the article and then explain the larger significance of the information the article covers. Try to relate what the article discusses to the history we've learned – essentially try to create a thesis about why the article matters. For models of blog posts – to find proper tone, organization, and length – feel free to check out the blog from my senior English class. It's on a very different set of topics, but the structure of blog posts remains the same.

Many of you know of the new movie coming out, 2012. It features regular people who encounter the end of the world during the year 2012. There are many theories of how and when the Earth will come to an end, and some are more farfetched than others.
One theory of how this could happen is from objects impacting the earth's atmosphere and an asteriod occasionally makes it through the atmosphere. Eventually, a large enough asteriod will cause enough damage worldwide when it impacts the earth, such as how the dinasours were killed. If another one of those objects impacts the earth, we will most likely be wiped out too. The only thing about this theory is that an object large enough to do that comes about only once or twice every million years. So this theory is not very likely to occur in 2012.
A second theory is climate disaster or global warming. By the end of this century, it is predicted that the Earth will increase 4-5 degrees and will affect sea levels in a negative way. It would rise the sea levels and floods would occur more often. More the Earth's temperature increases, the water supply would decrease and many countries would experience drought.
A third theory is a nuclear war. With thousands of nuclear weapons in the world, there is some fear of a nuclear winter. It is predicted that lgobal agriculture would be wiped out that would lead ot famine and kill most humans. Also, with so many nuclear warheads in the world, people are afraid of wars reducing the Earth and its environmental needs. But the nuclear winter theory is controversial and an all-out nuclear war between two powers is far less likely now than it was before.
These articles relate to the propoganda that people tried to put in certain works such as the famous painting from David. He put in false information to fool the audience and public to thinking certain ideas that were obvioulsy false. Apparrently, there are a lot of different theories of how the world will end, and those different ideas are propoganda that scares and worries the public. It is similar to the propoganda that we were just studying about and how anyone can influence the public with works of art and articles such as these. Also, we were studying SPECS and scientific research is one of them. Scientists have been studying and analyzing the history of the earth and that is how they have come up with their conclusions. Scientific research has come a far way since the 1700's when there were many scientific revolutions. During that time is when people started to believe more in science and not rely on religion. These examples show that people in the 1700's and now still act the same way and how these articles relate to the topics we have been studying recently.

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