Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Jacques-Louis David

WRITE a blog post in which you first identify and analyze Simon Schama's thesis from The Power of Art: Jacques-Louis David and second test it by selecting a piece of David's art and analyzing the purpose – propaganda or not – of your selected work.

Schama's thesis said that art was a clear form of propaganda, because it is an easy way to exaggerate and express opinion. By slightly bending what is true in a visual manner, creates a conclusion that is forced upon the interpreter. David was certainly a proof to Simon Schama's thesis from The Power of Art: Jacques-Louis David because he made his paintings inflicting his own personal bias. The way he
painted created a new opinion for viewers of the paintings.

This painting of Jesus Christ on the cross is a great example of Schama's thesis. In this painting David draws the picture how his personal interpretation of the moment was, or even an exaggerated version of this instance. Christ's crucifixion is shown in this drawing as very high and mighty. In the background of the painting there is the city behind him, and the face that he is above it illustrates his mightiness. David shows his bias here through his painting, and many people who view the picture change their opinion(s) to match what is reflected in the painting.

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