Monday, November 9, 2009

Thesis: Jacques Louis David, a very talented painter, expressed his ideas through his art, which did not suit with people who expected him to paint without prejudice. He was putting propaganda in the paintings to make gullible people believe his false ideas.

Napoleon at the Saint-Bernard Pass (1801)

In this painting, taken during Napoleon's reign, shows Napoleon crossing through the alps. Even though this painting is "in the alps", he was never actually there. This painting was made at Napoleon's house and David just drew the alps in the background. This painting is an appeal for the wonders of warfare and how he is the proper emperor and general for France. Napoleon and his horse is clean and pure in this painting and David is trying to show that he is beautiful even during battle. This picture of Napoleon makes him look majestic and seem proper for his country. He is wreathed in the folds of a large cloak which bend in the direction of the wind. His head is turned towards the viewer, and he gestures with his right hand toward something ahead of him, most likely the enemy. His left hand grips the reins of his steed. The horse rears up on its back legs, its mane and tail whipped against its body by the same wind that inflates Napoleon's cloak.

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