Monday, November 16, 2009

Foreign Policy

The Article I read was Think Again: Green China which talked about how China is the biggest greenhouse emitter and polluter on one side and on the other side they said that China is was more green advanced then the US. It went on to talk about how China is either the green model of the future or a reminder of the Industrial Revolution. The larger significance is that the harm that China is doing could affect other neighboring countries and it could even be spread to the entire world if not contained. You could argue that with China's advanced Green technology they could remedy the pollution in the entire world and reduce the amount of green house gases that we produce which would help. We have been discusing the Industrial Revolution and this is like a reminder of that in that China has been building many Factories over the years and from those Factories gases and pollution are formed which in turn harm the environment and make it seem like China is not green at all because it does little about this polution which has been affecting the citizens and deforming some because of the chemicals and forced labor kind of like the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade after they brought to their owners wand were forced to work.

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