Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Nationalism is a concious attempt to create a unified sense of pride in a country and/or group of people. It can bring small, insignificant countries to power as with Japan or bring large empires down, as with the Ottomans. It may be tempting to say that the success of nationalism is based solely on the size of area it covers, bit it is not. It's success is based off it's unification. If a country is has a lot of nationalism, but it's not for the country as a whole, it will inevitably be brought down and nationalism would be it's destroying force. It is similar to what happened in France during the French Revolution. The Third Estate became nationalistic and unified. France as a whole was ripped apart and it's social structure remade, but the Third Estate remained strong until it fell to corruption. The provincial leaders of the Ottomans were very similar. The Ottoman Empire as a whole died out because it was not unified, but the provincial leaders remained strong because they had an easier time of keeping their smaller territories together and tightly knit.


  1. I like the many specific references you made like the French Revolution and the Ottoman Empire.

  2. This is a perfect example of the negative and positive effects of nationalism. It is quite easy to see how nationalism can bond a country together, but I really like seeing the French Revolution example, which shows how it can also destroy a country. This is an idea that is neglected by most posts.

  3. I agree with Kevin's point of how the French Revolution was an example of how it destroys a country. Which happened because of the government pushing too hard and once they did Nationalism was broken and lost and the people rebelled against their government and fought for control there was no Nationalism left.
