Friday, March 12, 2010

Animal Farm

The comparison I see is that the nine dogs that were the Cheka which were the fighting group for Stalin at the time and that is exactly like what Napoleon did because at first he just secretly took the puppies away because he wanted to teach them himself, but we would find out that he was not teaching them but in actuality he was building them to be fighting killing machines that would only serve the Napoleon and were completely loyal to only him. As shown Napoleon would use these dogs as Stalin used the Cheka to silence ones that opposed him and people who were against the revolution, Napoleon used the dogs to show that you could not act against Snowball and get away with it as in the case of Snowball because he knew the animals would listen to him because he was very well spoken and he saw farm was in agreement with Snowball so he used his influence on the dogs to silence the opposition and thus he was the only leader left it was his farm now because there was no one left to oppose him, and he got to that place because of the dogs. Stalin also used Cheka to get rid of Trotsky supporters so only his voice would be heard.

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