Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Peace, and the Beginning of the End

The speech given by Dorothy Thompson on October 1, 1938, is a little ironic. She, among millions of people, sees clearly what Germany's intentions are and how dangerous giving in to them is. She says that Germany is seeking to accomplish the "domination of Europe," which is surprisingly close to the truth. The Munich Conference was held in order to reassure Britan, France, and Italy. Although they all came away feeling better, Germany ended up completely on the top.
Once Germany broke the Treaty of Versailles, it all went downhill for the other countries. None of them even lifted a finger to stop Hitler as he broke agreement after agreement. When he finally went one step too far with Sudetenland, they decided that they had to do something. But instead of keeping him in check like they had hoped, they gave him exactly what he wanted: more territory, and the power to control the people within it. He even managed to make the people who gave him what he wanted feel good about giving it to him. Hitler, in a few aggressive moves, had all the superpowers of Europe completely under his thumb.

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