Tuesday, March 23, 2010

WRITE a blog post in which you list (bullet points are fine) 1. What you know about WWII. 2. What you want to know about WWII.

- I know Germany and Hitler started the war.
- WWI left Germany in poverty, so they needed a way or person to help escape their economic hardship: Hitler
- He created the Holocaust because he influenced a majority of people in Germany to believe that blond hair and blue eyed boys are the only good people in the world.
- Hated all Jews and they were put in concentration camps
- Nazis were the German soldiers
- Americans, British, Russians, and French were the ones fighting against Germany

How did Hitler and the Germans eventually get officially defeated?
How did WWII actually officially begin?
What different strategies did they use compared to WWI?
What event made Japan get involved in the war?

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