Thursday, March 4, 2010

French Revolution to Communism?

Although I can see similarities between the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution, I feel that Strayer emphasizes his point too strongly. It's true that both revolutions were started by lower class citizens demanding more rights. However, while the French Revolution was focused mainly on a change in the government and in the representation of the third estate, the Russian Revolution was more than just political. The Russian Revolution demanded an entire social upheaval. Russian citizens seized the land of wealthy lords and redistributed it amongst themselves, something the chaotic French could never have managed. They pushed for lower class control over factories, and they saw enemies everywhere. The communist party in Russia quickly had an identified list of enemies in and outside of Russia, while the French revolutionaries saw only the political leaders in France who they thought needed to be removed. So although the Russian Revolution may have taken some inspiration from the French, they did not model their revolution after France's.

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