Thursday, March 25, 2010

Researching the War

I extended my understanding of WWII in class today by researching the questions that I had asked earlier.

Through my research (and also through class discussion), I learned that Germany annexed/occupied several territories before WWII, including Sudetenland and Austria. These occupations initially constructed tension between Germany and other European powers. However, Germany's occupation of Poland triggered the war, considering that France and Britain declared war two days after the Poland invasion.

My second question addressed the amount of casualties for each participant in the war. According to several sources, the USSR (Russia) suffered the most military losses, totaling at over 20 million. This statistic highlights the USSR's involvement in the war, even though the USSR did not necessarily initiate the war.

Germany's economy drastically improved before the brink of WWII. Hitler helped cure Germany's severe case of hyperinflation by making economic reforms and holding secret meetings with bankers. Most surprisingly, Germany ironically borrowed money from the United States. Judged by this transaction, the United States must have either been neutral and/or oblivious to Hitler's true regime.

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