Thursday, March 25, 2010

Op-ed on Munich Conference

The Munich Conference demonstrated timidity from the British people in response to illegal German actions. It is obvious that Germany is exhibiting more warlike behavior, just like at the onset of World War I. Then and now Germany is assembling an army, building up their navy and seizing other countries' land. Why are we, Great Britain, victors of the Great War, the people who wrote up the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, allowing Germany to get away with their actions? They are blatantly breaking the terms set upon them by the Treaty of Versailles and should be punished. So what does our government do? Chamberlain goes to Munich and instead of rebuking Germany and drawing up new punishment for the rule-breakers, he allows Germany to keep Sudetenland. Not only does Neville Chamberlain not do anything to chastise Germany, but he comes home and declares the Munich Conference to be a success! What a joke. How can you call allowing Germany to occupy the demilitarized Rhineland, annex Austria and keep the Sudetenland a milestone for Anglo-German relations?! Pull the wool off of your eyes Chamberlain! Hitler's playing you for a fool. And just because we have agreed on this peace settlement now doesn't mean there won't be war later. Yeah, I listened to our prime minister say there won't be any more wars between Germany and Great Britain, but how long will this "peace" last? Peace isn't a settlement, it's a continental wide mutual agreement.

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