Thursday, March 25, 2010

Munich Reconsidered

Dorothy Thompson was completely just in her description of the Munich Conference. We have essentially just handed the Germans exactly what they wanted, by saying that we will stand by and let them take whatever they need from whomever they wish. The "treaty" is not a treaty at all, and is entirely unfair to Czechoslovakia. Germany is putting on the appearance of giving them a say in the matter, but not only was there no representative from Czechoslovakia at the conference, but the alleged "vote" is merely a facade put on by the Germans to fool us into supporting them. The German people of Czechoslovakia have had many years since the end of the Great War to move back to Germany, so it makes no sense that now the Czechoslovakian people should have their lives and their land taken away from them. Germany is manipulating us, and I can tell that it is only a matter of time until they start asking for our own countries in addition to that of the Czechoslovakians. I can only hope that our leaders are able to see it coming, and protect us better than they did Czechoslovakia. I completely oppose this agreement and all of the terrible consequences it will bring.

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