Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Book Banning In India and Pakistan

Recently in India and Pakistan, a book about the partition between the two countries was banned. The book, written by Jaswant Singh, attributed the partition to a different politician than is popularly believed, which caused an outrage in the two countries.
My research question for this topic is "Why are the views of Jaswant Singh about the Partition between India and Pakistan so forcefully rejected?"
In answering this question, we will be able to gain insight into Indian and Pakistani culture. Figuring out why they react so violently to the thought that the partition was attributed to one politician and not another could help explain relationships between idols and the community, and help us understand what role politics plays in the daily lives of the population. And finding out why Jaswant Singh's views are so different can help us understand how your personal past does or does not affect your opinions.

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