Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Quing and Islamic Empires

The Quing dynasty had a unique way of dealing with diversity among their people. Unlike the Safavids who forced everyone to convert to Shia Islam, the Quing didn't try to change anyone's religion. They were very tolerant of diversity, although they made it clear that some races were not equal. For example, they banned interracial marriage between Han Chinese and Mongols.

The Quing actually adopted Confucianism, the popular philosophy of China at the time of their invasion. This is similar to the blending of religions that Akbar enforced in the Mughal Empire. But instead of blending their beliefs with the Hans', they simply adopted what was already there. This may have been a strange switch for the Mongols, but it worked out well when they tried to govern the Chinese. They fought and conquered them, only to rule them with mostly the same methods that had already been in place. This helped make the Chinese feel more at ease with the Mongols, and helped the different cultures blend together more peacefully.

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