Thursday, September 10, 2009

Factors That Make a State

Between Ming Dynasty China and the beginning of the European Renaissance there were many things that factored into the building of a state. In China, the first thing that the Emperor did to re-form was to re-enforce the Confucian learning system. He also started rebuild the judicial system and also rebuilt millions of acres of the land by planting trees and recreating canals and irrigation systems. By remaking all the things that people needed to live, the Emperor was able to make easier to flourish within the land. In Europe, a revival of the economic system also factored into the creation of new states. Once there was a foundation to build upon, the Europeans could start to form different states, and the proceed in building up armies.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that a strong foundation is the first step to build a strong empire. The things that the Ming dynasty did made it very successful and they lasted for a while. It shows that when you have a strong foundation, you can go a long way.
