Wednesday, September 2, 2009

North Korea and Other Nations

For my research, I’m wondering what kind of relationship North Korea has with other nations, in particular the United States. This is important because I still don’t understand how and why North Korea can still be performing nuclear tests. If other countries protest, like I’m sure they are, why would North Korea want to continue? Answering the question of how North Korea responds to other nations’ concerns can answer whether or not North Korea’s ability to use such weapons is volatile or not. Essentially, it comes down to what North Korea plans to do, but relations with such a power have to be cautiously handled. Discovering the history between North Korea, surrounding nations, and the entire world is a key to determine the ultimate motive.


  1. Obviously North Korea doesn't care that countries like the U.S. think it shouldn't be testing nukes. It relishes the attention it gets and wants to prove that it is not a country that can be taken lightly. There is no question that it is a volatile country. They're a Communist regime under a crazy dictator, with a possibly violent power struggle approaching as Kim Jong-il won't be in power any longer and North Korea is test firing missiles.

  2. I agree with everything said by both of you. It also poses an interesting question of why the North Koreans feel the risk is worth it to test nukes, but I guess that question also applies to the U.S. during WW2 (and probably other times as well) and even possibly to a lot of risky scientific research currently going on. It is possible that North Korea feels the weapons a necessity for either safety or peace of mind (no body will severely offend you when you have nuclear weapons aimed at them), or maybe that they wish to have more power in the world, and are choosing to do so by fear, risk of mass destruction, and force, rather than negotiating and talking things out with other countries (which we all wish worked as well as it should, but if I continue on this thread of thought I will eventually contradict myself multiple times and being to make absolutely no sense). But whatever their intentions, North Korea should definitely be handled carefully.
