Monday, September 21, 2009

The Topkapi Palace

The Topkapi Palace was built in the 1470’s by the young Sultan Mehmed II. As the largest and oldest palace to be still standing, it had survived several earthquakes and fires throughout its long history in the Ottoman Empire, undergoing changes and additions made by every sultan who had lived through. The palace was mainly used for residence for royals, state occasions and entertainments, but gradually was forgotten after the 17th century, as the Sultans preferred the new palaces. In 1924, after the end of the Ottoman Empire, the palace became a museum of the imperial era. 

The Topkapi Palace displays many diverse tiles, woodworks and architectural styles, 

which clearly depicts how Turkish art had harmoniously developed the different styles through the centuries it lived. From its hundreds of rooms and chambers and the numerous treasures it displays, the palace holds the ghost of the pride that the Ottoman had used to wear.

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